Character Designs...Children's Illustrations...the beginning.

A couple of weeks ago, I came up with this idea that I wanted to illustrate a Prince Eddie Asshat book. Yeah, I know...what every cat Mom wants to do, tell the story of their cat. It's an old story but it's during a pandemic and at this point, I really don't have much else to do. We have cooties here and the weather sucks. That's an entire story in it self, plus it's rather depressing, so don't get me started. 

Drawing and creating cute critter illustrations are not my thing. I also never realized just how hard they are to create. I looked at them and thought, yeah, I can do this. Nope, it's a lot easier said than making it happen in reality. 

I had to start somewhere so I was off to SkillShare. It's my go to place if I want to learn about something. I started out with some Lisa Glanz videos and then moved to Nina Rycroft.  Both are impressive and creative illustrators. 

It all starts with an idea and a sketch. I decided on a cute bear. I looked at some reference photos then played on my iPad. The iPad has changed digital art and that's another post in it's self. 

The below is my 2nd step, painting a digital bear. Ok, Mx. Bear does look a bit surprised but I was happy I got the general shape and shading down. 

My 3rd step is below. Still not what I was aiming for but progress was made. I'm good with that. 

Am I going to grow up to be a children's book illustrator, no. I do like the challenge and maybe I'll turn the designs into cards or upload to a POD site. For right now, I'm enjoying the creation and hopefully I'll come up with a Prince Eddie Asshat character for a book of Eddie quotes. 
