Late morning coffee reflections...What the past six months has taught me...

This pandemic has changed me and the way I thinking about things. So has the political conversations. Life is all about change or sometimes, trying to prevent change. Either way, change is like motion, it is rarely dead still. 

So ‘going back’ to the way we were before Covid is not an option. My thought is to embrace it and adapt to it. If not, my life goes on pause and I sit in limbo. I'm just not willing to do that and it also doesn't make sense to. 

There has been a lot of uncertainty the last several months. I’ve been playing it by the seat of my pants and making the best of things. Today, I sat down and thought about it over coffee. This is the list I came up with…

We can learn from the past then evolve and adapt. I’m finding out that there’s a lot of things that I did because of habit or that’s what society expected from me. Life is too short to live by what others expect you to do for them.

Have a great weekend...I'm off to do some beading today, maybe even some Netflix.