Sketchbook...Watercolor Grounds (Golden and QoR), Stathmore Windpower sketchbook, & Travel Palettes

 Every couple of months I feel the need to push my skill base a bit further...that's what pushes me into working in my sketchbook more.  The above an old book that I've gessoed but this time I used Golden's Absorbent Ground.  It was one coat only and I'm excited to used it on some cradled panels.  I actually like it better than Daniel Smith's.  I've got several panels already set up with Golden's QoR and I'm expecting it to be even better.  The surface is smoother but the test in the painting...

The above is a sketchbook by Stathmore...Windpowder.  It's one of my favorites. Great paper, great size, and great price. 

I'm testing out some new travel palettes....the VitaCarry is filled with QoR watercolors and the slots are much deeper.  It's winning. 

Have a great weekend...