Backyard Views...a mix of digital and watercolor

Backyard Views...a mix of photography, watercolor, & digital

Decisions, decisions, decisions....isn't that the sign of the times.  Anyway, the last couple of days, I've been working on a plan of action for my business.  Since you all know that glass is moving on and out of my live...I won't bore you with the details on that front. It's the 'what's next' that I've been working on.

Hands with photography and watercolor on the list.  I'm looking more mixed media work and maybe 3-D painting, like boxes. I'm also thinking about silk painting.  Just random thoughts here. 

Most of the decisions will be made by the amount of space I have in the studio.  Since the studio has been moved home, space has been a challenge.  My organizational skills have gotten much better. Having a studio at home, I've found it's the best decision that we made.  Time isn't my friend...too much to do and not enough hours in the day.  It gained me almost two hours a day since I'm not driving.

Have a great Sunday...I'm off...