It's an Art Parade...a new new work, Mixed Media for me!

Yesterday was a fun filled day...I now have a new respect for painters.  The below isn't huge, just 30 x 40.  The thing is that I found my arms just weren't long enough and I needed another pair of hands to finish up the framing.  No...this isn't a great piece of art but I did it and it fits perfectly in the master it makes me smile.  I really like abstract art and I would like to develop it long term.'s done...framed...and hung...I'm happy.  I've got two more pieces that I want to finish for the MBR and then I will work on the pieces for both baths.  Bob and I do buy from other artists, anything that is framed is from a local artists.  Mostly from Indiana but some from Texas as well...a couple from Bob's uncle.  I have never understood why people buy 'art' at Wal-Mart or any big box store...when there is so much good work out there.  Some people have told me it's the price...well, the thing is, it's really not in a lot of ways.  Anyway, it's just a peeve of mine. 

Supporting the arts is crucial to the development and growth of any community. There is study after study regarding how it has a causal effect on bringing in new businesses…how for every dollar is spent (buying) on the local arts, $3-5 is spent in the local area. 

Here's the has a provable and is linked to property value, can we say Bohemian Principle.  Plus it is linked to new business and there fore JOBS.  New business all equates to increase tax revenues to the local area. Sone of the most important issues that every community is feeling the pains of.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt recognized the combined power of American productivity and creativity. John F. Kennedy stated "If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him." He also paved with way for the formation of the National Endowment.

The thing is that we are living in an age of easy transportation…that the trend of working remote is becoming more and more the thang to do. So what does Indianapolis have to offer the ‘creative class’, a large business to open its doors here, or someone that works remote that can live anywhere. Indy has cheap housing, sports, and four seasons…actually it has a lot to offer, believe it or not. The main ingredient that it’s missing is the arts. Actually it has the arts here, it’s citizens just don’t support or value what they do many of their artists move one to 'better' places that do.   That has been my experience.

I'll be in Fountain Square today...supporting the local arts and helping with the Art Parade. 

So if you get a chance...stop in. 

If if you don't stop in...think about supporting the arts and what it does to your community long term. 

Have a happy, creative weekend!