Bring Back the lots of new lampwork beads
It's been rather ickky here...lots of grey skies and cold. (is ickky a 'real' word?) So I've been making beads to cheer me up. Lots of brights...lots of colors that I normally don't play with...lots of new color combos. A girl gotta do what she can in times of grey skies and teeth chattering my Kiln Fairy and I had a little chat. She makes sure that I have FUN beads and I don't bitch so much about the weather. :-) Seems like a good deal to me.
The above and below are gifts from the Kiln Fairy....the pinks and plums are lovely. I haven't played with these hues for a long time. The nuggets are larger than my normal because they have a lot of large surface decoration. One of the plums is an opal...not fully a solid but not fully a transparent. The pics don't really show's lovely eyeball to bead.

I do think of the giant spring bunny when I saw these beads.
The below has a new shape...eggs.

Now for 'Bring Back the Sun' beads...lots of shapes...lots of color...a lot of beads overall.

Each set has at least one matched pair for earrings...except the nuggets. Again, these nuggets are larger than my norm. They can be used for bracelets but they can also be used for some funky focals or tassels. If you had any seed beads or some czech pressed glass flowers/leaves hanging around...poof, fun could be created.

Here's a mixed set...these are some of my favorites. I guess I like wire and lampwork...just like coffee and cream.

Here's another nugget set. Oh BTW, the orange is a really old special. I found it when I was digging around in my stash. You wouldn't believe some of the glass that I found in that stash. My Gods, you'd think I was some sort of glass pack rat or something. Well, come to think about it, I guess I am. :-)

I've gotten most of the photography next on the agenda is encasements. To me, they are some of the hardest to get good shots of. The clear distorts the bead colors sometimes. Anyway....I got on an encasement jag. I've got about 40 or so sets to get done.

I do think of the giant spring bunny when I saw these beads.

Now for 'Bring Back the Sun' beads...lots of shapes...lots of color...a lot of beads overall.

Each set has at least one matched pair for earrings...except the nuggets. Again, these nuggets are larger than my norm. They can be used for bracelets but they can also be used for some funky focals or tassels. If you had any seed beads or some czech pressed glass flowers/leaves hanging around...poof, fun could be created.

Here's a mixed set...these are some of my favorites. I guess I like wire and lampwork...just like coffee and cream.

Here's another nugget set. Oh BTW, the orange is a really old special. I found it when I was digging around in my stash. You wouldn't believe some of the glass that I found in that stash. My Gods, you'd think I was some sort of glass pack rat or something. Well, come to think about it, I guess I am. :-)

I've gotten most of the photography next on the agenda is encasements. To me, they are some of the hardest to get good shots of. The clear distorts the bead colors sometimes. Anyway....I got on an encasement jag. I've got about 40 or so sets to get done.
Well stay warm and safe!
Same bat time, same bat place,