Lampwork Pictures...Yay!
I've finally got pictures (eye candy) processed. Believe it or not, it's really an ordeal to get all the beads organized (not to mention, cleaned), then the tracking numbers, then the layouts, then the pictures taken, and then the pictures processed. Then after all of that...I upload them to Etsy. I'm not's more to explain the process. Online is just as complicated as doing shows. Not as complicated as doing studio or trunk shows though...BUT each person is different in their tracking system and how they go about things. I've got a couple of friends that dislike doing trunk shows because of the hassle. Where as I enjoy them. I think I enjoy them because it's mostly ol'friends or people that I know that invite it's more of a social thing for me. Where as studio shows give me a reason to clean up the place. :-)
The colors of the above turned out well. The below is from my Dish series. I made several sets, in different sized barrels, because of the requests that I re-visit the series. I have to admit, they are easy to design with. If you like to mixed stone and glass together, they are perfect. They work well in chain or wire designs as well.
The below is a rarity for me...I normally don't make squeezed beads much anymore. I might have to change that. They are great for bracelets...smooth on the wrist with a large canvas area but aren't heavy. This is one of the shapes I use for my own jewelry. (Why it never occurred to make them for everyone else. I guess I normally keep most of them.)

More Color Gizmos...

And more Color Gizmos....this series is just about done. I might re-visit it later but for the current time, it's time to move on.

Ribbon necklace...I got into a huge large (1/8 size mandrel) bead making. What I like about this size of bead is that they work on chain, ribbon, and wire. They also work well with multi-strands of seed beads or again, wire...or as spinners.

Here's another large hole set. The focal on this one is spot reduced and fumed. It turned out perfect...well, perfect for me. What I like about it, is that is has a bit of bronze hue in the design. Great for some of the brown jaspers or bronzite.

Here's another one of the ribbon necklaces. I made six will see three up on Etsy. I decided to keep the other three. :-)

More Color Gizmos...

And more Color Gizmos....this series is just about done. I might re-visit it later but for the current time, it's time to move on.

Ribbon necklace...I got into a huge large (1/8 size mandrel) bead making. What I like about this size of bead is that they work on chain, ribbon, and wire. They also work well with multi-strands of seed beads or again, wire...or as spinners.

Here's another large hole set. The focal on this one is spot reduced and fumed. It turned out perfect...well, perfect for me. What I like about it, is that is has a bit of bronze hue in the design. Great for some of the brown jaspers or bronzite.

Here's another one of the ribbon necklaces. I made six will see three up on Etsy. I decided to keep the other three. :-)
Right now I'm working on some 'Heavy Metal'...lots of spot reduction, lots of shine, lots of silvered beady dudes, and lots of texture. These won't be ready until later this week. One of the furnace glasses I like so well, doesn't look so well if I leave it in the kiln too long. It turns black. So they have to be made as I'm getting ready to shut down for the session. So I torch these beads for an hour and then they are annealed for an hour...then it's the overnight ramp down of the kiln. So that's how I get the colors that I want on the bead. Like you REALLY wanted to know.
Anyway, it's just a heads up on next week's beads. Yes, my shows and gift making time is over so I'm back in the beady saddle. :-)
I'll be posting on Etsy today...just another heads up. I'd really like to get enough beads up there to send out a Newsletter but...who knows if I well or not. I've been a bit lacking in that department.
Have a happy, creative day!