A picture is REALLY worth a 1000 words...
I now understand the value of a decent camera and better photography skills that I have. I had the below three sets posted up on Etsy, nobody was really looking at then. I couldn't figure why, because they are some of the nicest sets that I've ever made. The below set took me hours to make because I had to work so high up in the flame. Fine silver distorts most opaque glass. All the colors you see has been made by layering color then transparent then clear...then more color, then a transparent...then more clear. Then I had to remember the sequence I layered the colors in. :-) I will never do another set like this...I can make three sets in the same time it took me to make this one. If I was a well known lampworker and my sets sold for $500 plus, yep, I might...but I doubt that's going to happen in my life time.
The below is another one of those sets that took forever to do...I flatties were graduated to I made....well, I'm not going to tell you how many beads I made to get the strand you see. :- ) But new pictures do help.
The below has rondells that are matched pairs...
Here's another chainmaille bracelet that I just posted up on Etsy....
Here's some matching earrings.
Ok...that's it for today...I've got a huge number of packages to get to the post office and I'm spending some time on the torch. It's play time.
Have a happy, creative day!

Have a happy, creative day!