New work up on Etsy...Lots of lampwork beads and jewelry!
Howdy Everyone...ready for the weekend yet? I sure am, I've been busy again. Actually, Bob is traveling this weekend...I'm going to be at home with the cats and my torch. I've spent so much time working in pictures and typing up descriptions, that I haven't finished a set that I'm working on.
The below beads are large holed...great for chain...great for earrings...cord or ribbon. I know that they don't look like they took forever to make but they did. The base is a German odd lot that I was lucky enough to get my paws on. I used fine silver, fuming, and silvered black glass to get the metallic highlights. All in all, I was very please when I found these in the kiln. The kiln fairy must love me!
The pictures didn't turn out as well as I would of like...the below pic was the best it got! Too bad, these are really nice. Oh well, they are currently on Etsy so if somebody doesn't grab them, I will do something with them. Ya know, this might be a subconscious act on my part. They don't sell so I keep them. :-) I'm beginning to wonder because I've got a couple sets up on Etsy that the photo are pure crap but they are some of the nicest beads that I've made. Like Crow Medicine...all reduction glasses and lots of encasements.
The picture turned ok on this set...ya know don't ya all get tired of reading about my photography issues? I recently picked up a book about digital cameras so hopefully, this will end. :-)
This pic turned out well...actually the bracelet just slid together. All the hues just merged into a dynamic, flowing piece. That doesn't always happen.
Now after all the organic looking comes my favorite! I just loved this bracelet. All the beads are just about the same size...I didn't add much in the way of silver or accents. I just let the beads tell the story. It's called Urban Tribal...I use that name a lot. It's for urban favored me why. It’s bold, visually exciting, and screams FUN. It is adjustable from 7 inches to 8 inches.

The below beads are large holed...great for chain...great for earrings...cord or ribbon. I know that they don't look like they took forever to make but they did. The base is a German odd lot that I was lucky enough to get my paws on. I used fine silver, fuming, and silvered black glass to get the metallic highlights. All in all, I was very please when I found these in the kiln. The kiln fairy must love me!

These are all up on Etsy currently...yep, another shameless plug. :-)
Ok...I'm off to catch of on email and get some more work done. It sure doesn't end does it?
Have a happy, creative day!