Just about done with the update....
The below lampwork bead set will be up on eBay later this evening. I'm going back to my typical Thursday update. Bob has been working on the Etsy store...right not there's not much up yet. :-) Give me a bit, that's next week's project.

Break over for me...I'm off to start my day!
Have a happy, creative day!

I've got a handful more of bead sets to write up and add to the website. It was just so beautiful yesterday to spend it in the office. I took mucho breaks to enjoy the weather.
Anyway...I finished up about 30 or so sets...some of you were pretty quick on the draw. I will finish up on the last handful, send out a newsletter, and when start packing up the beady dudes.
Break over for me...I'm off to start my day!
Have a happy, creative day!