I've been busy....lots of new beads!
It was a rather uneventful July 4th! Which is totally wonderful. We have an older dog, named Chelsie, that is very afraid of loud noises. So every New Years and July 4th is a stressful time for her. This year was actually calm and we are soooooooooooooooo happy!!!!! I actually got a bit of sleep last night. BTW, she's also afraid of the dark, rain, and any type of storm. It's been rather rainy the last couple of weeks so I have been sleeping only a couple hours a night. It's beginning to catch up on me.
The above set is actually kinda kewl because it's so diverse in it's uses in jewelry designs. Lots of shapes and goes wonderfully with blue coral. I will be adding it to my ebay auctions this evening.
The rest of beads, I'm in the process of doing the write ups for my website update. The beads will slowly be appearing on my website. I will send out a Newsletter when all the beads are up.