It's been a long week...Yarrow
It’s been a while and it was a long week. First off, Yarrow, our dog died. She was with us for a little over 11 years. Friday morning she started having cluster seizers and we rushed her to the emergency animal clinic. After many tests and several procedures, they couldn’t stabilize her. The long-term prognosis was grave. The decision was made to put her to sleep. She really never did regain consciousness to the point that she recognized either Bob or I. So I’ve been a bit out of touch since Friday.
The above is a picture of Yarrow.
On a happier note…we went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Bob liked it…I was very disappointed. The book had so many different options for some very kewl scene for the movie. They really didn’t use any of them. I’m beginning to wonder if the Harry Potter series is one of those that are better either read or listened to via audio book. I’m just about done listening to the Harry Potter series AGAIN…I’m waiting for Saturday for my copy of the final sequel to be delivered. We have set aside the entire day to lay about and read. I can’t wait to read the conclusion!!!!!
Now for eye candy….I will be putting these on my website sometime this week. If you are interested, let me know….