Silvered lampwork beads
It's been kinda quite here...I've been working on experiments. These are currently in the kiln. Plus I've got a sink full of beads right now. Most of which will reside on the bottom of plant pots. :-) Great ideas that need to be worked and I will explore them later. I still don't have as much stringer control as I had pre-burn...BUT everyday seems a bit better. I think what the major issue is that the skin on top of my hand is so tender. Any bit of heat is a problem. I tried Kevlar gloves, that didn't work. I tried covering it but that limits my movements. Plus if the covering isn't cotton or some sort of nonflammable material, I run a too high of a risk of it melting on my skin from a stray glass pop.
Ok, it's time that I quit whining...time will resolve the issue. :-) It's just that I've got customs backing up on me that I've got to get done.
Bob got back from St. Louis yesterday and has a contract here in Austin for the next couple of weeks. Which is a treat to have the hubby home during the week.
The above bead set is from my typical 'chaos' style of beads. The are a silver ink blue with opal yellow and lots of different purples. What I've been finding when I make jewelry is that when I mix them with natural gems, it's a PITA to get a smooth look. The glass hues don't always merge well with the tones of the stones. So I'm working towards using enough wet blend colors so that they will.
Ok, it's time that I quit whining...time will resolve the issue. :-) It's just that I've got customs backing up on me that I've got to get done.
Bob got back from St. Louis yesterday and has a contract here in Austin for the next couple of weeks. Which is a treat to have the hubby home during the week.

That's it for me today...I'm off to the studio.
Have a happy, creative day!