New Jewelry Pics...Another New Lampwork Set...dreaming about having more time.
Here's some new pics of some new jewelry pieces. Surprise!!!! I have been busy again. I've been trying to make time for jewelry at least once a week. Hopefully that will change to several times a week.

The below is one of my favorite pieces of's an easy piece to wear. I'm growing rather fond of this style. Looking into my crystal seems that you will be seeing more of this style.

I was off the torch yesterday and am having withdraws. You would think that I could get by with a couple times a week...oh no. It doesn't work that way. I will be cutting back but I've got a couple ideas that I want to play with first. Then I need to figure out how to play with a couple jewelry ideas that I have. I used to work with a lot of LOS (liver of sulfur) my silver work. Well the stuff smells like rotten eggs. With the weather being so unusually cool for Austin, this would be a great time for me to work outside. Right now it's raining to it's a moot point...but it's supposed to be nice on Tuesday.

I've been playing with raku's just one of those glasses that it's hard for me to stay away from. This is one of my smaller sets but the colors turned out pretty well. For some reason, ever since I've been flame polishing my beads, they are much hard to get a decent pic of them. These puppies are shiny...they look much better in person.

My hubby and I lead such strange lives. He's off to LA this morning...I'm off to the studio. Since he travels so much, I spend these huge chunks of time in there. BTW, my studio cleaning got interrupted so I've got to pick up a few things. There's a couple of areas that get scary if I don't stay on top of it. answer a few questions...I am taking customs again BUT I'm limiting them to a small number at a time. I don't think I want to get in the same boat I did a couple months again. I was working so much I wasn't sleeping. I'm getting to old in the body to do that very often. So if you need me or call. I'm around.
Have a Happy Easter...I'm hopping off for another cup of java.