Infinite Summer...New Lampwork Bead Set
There’s infinite design possibilities with this bright set. Two large focals and a double holed focal with many matched pairs for earrings. It’s summer fun in bead form.
Below are the two focals that go with the, fun, fun!!!!
Lots of matched pairs for earrings...lots of beads for several bracelets...and my new design of a two hole bead. For any wireworker out there, it adds lots of unique jewelry design options.
The below is a picture of the entire set...can you tell I'm excited about the beads. I know, I's only beads BUT they are Sooooooooooo FUN! The set will be up on eBay this Thursday.

Below are the two focals that go with the, fun, fun!!!!

Maybe why I'm so excited over the set is because I'm still in the mist of studio cleaning. I'm still tubing accent beads...I'm still tumbling tarnishing silver...I'm still picking up the rat trap of a studio.
I have made progress though. My silver bench is packing/mailing area is clean and organized...and my glass area is picked up. Now I have to do the bead room. (groan) I'm tackling it one piece at a time. I just can't stand to do it all at once.
Ok...back to the studio for me...I was just on break.
Have a happy, creative day!!!!!