AND More Lampwork Beads

The second part of the set looks much better if you enlarge the pic but clicking on it.

I just finished up another set that's in's in plums, turq, and black with accents of lavender and dark periwinkle. It looked great when I was torching them but time will tell.
I've got a couple orders of furnace glass coming in. I just love the stuff. It's a smooth melt and not as forgiving as most of the 104 COE glasses but the color!!! The colors are dense, vivid, and look much more alive than most of the 104's.
I've got errands and an appointment scheduled for me this morning...hopefully my last dental appointment of the year...then I'm off to the studio. I've got a couple more projects I'm working on and want to make some headway on.
Have a happy creative day!!!