New Jewelry, Cabs, and Lampwork
The below is some cabs that my hubby cut for me. They are Ocean Jasper, wonderful colors in these. He’s working on some greens now. So I will play with those as well. I’ve just never seen these colors before. I’m torn between setting them in sterling and doing a large beaded piece. They scream bead embroidery to me. Maybe a collar? Who knows, they are now sitting on my desk patiently waiting my decision.

Here's another color experiment. I liked the focal but I didn't like the small strand very well.
The below are more lampwork experiments. They are etched and have a stone like appearance. I was also playing with pictures...they do look much better in person. I'm not sure that I like my new-bright idea of using dark back grounds.
Here's a new piece of jewelry...yeah, another experiment. The pendant ring was hand fabricated by me. Of course I did the lampwork.
The necklace is light and every comfortable to wear. Most of my jewelry pieces are large and bold. Which is ok for some of the time but not for everyday wear. I dress mostly in jeans so I know that I'm looking for less dramatic pieces and more low key pieces. Here's another experiment. I hand forged the pendant hanger and the lampwork is from my Ocean Currents series. Then it's topped off with some olive Greek leather. I didn't take pics of the back, but the clasp was made by me as well.
The below is a handmade chain with one of the hand fabricated pendants I've been experimenting with. The chain is heavy enough by itself so I've been working on designs for pendants that are light yet have visual texture to it. These just scream to be oxidized. Which I will do pretty soon. If I'm patience in the process, normally I can turn sterling in different metallic hues instead of plain ol' black. Liver of Sulfur has a range of hues...blues, pinkie iris, and some interesting purples. It just takes time and keeping the solution at an even temp. The only issues with LoS is that I do it outside. It smells's toxic...and it oxides the sterling in the room I'm working in. So in other words, it's a PITA to work with but it's worth it because of the end result.
I haven't really working with metal much for almost three years. I've been working with glass only. The last couple of weeks, I've been spending some time re-learning the medium. There was a time that I could make silver sing, I can't now. Hopefully, I will have the time to devote to metal again. I have missed it and glass just isn't doing it for me any more. As time goes one, I think I will move more into a mix.
There's a book, Designing with Motifs and Borders, by Jan Messent. What a wonderful book for anyone that does design it beading, jewelry, or fiber. I've very impressed with her work.
Well...I'm hear my studio calling me...
Have a creative day!