UFO Beadwork and Folk Art Lampwork Experiment
The below is a beadwork bracelet that I'm getting ready to add surface design to. I was finishing up the clasps and I had an idea. This would make a wonderful base color for some folk art beads. I've had this vision a while ago of a critter bead necklace in folk art style.

Side note here...one of the reasons why I got into lampwork is because I found some of the most beautiful beads don't always make up into the WOW, eye popping jewelry. Well, at least they didn't for me. I think a lot has to do with my busy, over done style too.
The below is the critter bead. It has potential...a lot depends if my muse and I can create my vision or not. Again, this is a rough draft of the big picture. My heat control wasn't happenin' because I laid open my thumb on a piece of metal. Making beads because of the needed thumb action and the heat of the torch really wasn't one of my better ideas.
The below is one of those experiments that looked good in the flame. It sure didn't turn out like I planned...I opened the kiln, pulled this puppy out, and all I thought was "what the hell was I thinkin'?"
I finished up a couple UFO beadwork projects. I've got a pile of them sitting on my desk right now. I told myself that I wasn't going to start anything else unless I finished them. Sure, right...like that's going to happen.
The below is a small amult pouch. It's really small and wearable. Nothing great and wonderous but I like the colors. The below is a beaded bead in peyote and I finished up the bail on. It's ok, nothing to write home about. It just makes me 'feel' fall and pout that I'm not seeing the season change this year. Oh well, we can't have everything. It's in the mid-80's here, I'm going to set on the deck and bead today.
Have a creative day!