Mixed Media Jewelry Contest

I finished this yesterday for Connie Fox's Mixed Media Jewelry Contest. If you haven't entered yet, time is running out. Here's the link: http://www.conniefox.com/Home/Contest06.htm
Necklace base - stainless steel chain maille (Natural/Organic elements)
Clasp - purchased stainless trigger clasp
Pendant ring - key ring (Found Object)
Pendant - old tea ball, made into a locket (Found Object)
The pendant/locket has surface decoration of seed beads and an accent bead, to give the feminine touch to the piece. The tea ball locket opens to a cat face lampwork bead that I made. I used wire in the chain maille and in the surface decoration of the locket.
That was my fun for the week. (I rarely work in stainless and this was the first time I used a tea ball for anything that didn't involve a mug of hot water) Back to the studio, I've got to get ready for a show this weekend.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!